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Proplanum dla Gastronomii: System for Gastronomy

Automate the planning of variable work schedules and efficiently coordinate work in a dynamic gastronomic environment.

Proplanum allows you to quickly adapt schedules to irregular working hours and sudden unavailability of both permanent and temporary employees. Whether you manage a single restaurant or a network of dining establishments, you can reduce scheduling errors and increase operational efficiency.

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Przygotowanie raportu w kuchni

Nieprawidłowo ułożony grafik to niezadowoleni klienci i niekontrolowane koszty

In dining establishments, demand and staff availability change so frequently that manually managing work schedules can lead to a range of problems.gorsze opinie i stracony przychód. Jednocześnie płacenie za za duży zespół w spokojnych godzinach mocno obniża marżę.

Dlatego tak ważne jest precyzyjne planowanie zmian, uwzględniające rzeczywiste obłożenie.

Macbook mockup

Keeping up with updating work schedules is challenging, disrupting workflow and causing team tensions.negatywne recenzje i utratę dochodu.


Sometimes you don’t know who is working today and who to assign tasks to, leading to confusion about zmniejsza rentowność całego biznesu.


The activities of chefs, waiters, and drivers are not properly coordinated, leading to overall chaos and numerous misunderstandings.


Bez analiz ruchu i historii rezerwacji trudno jest stwierdzić, ile osób potrzeba na kuchni, a ile na sali, przez co narażasz się na niepotrzebne koszty lub braki kadrowe.

Proplanum was created to solve these problems

Ekrany aplikacji proplanum

Automate work planning and start efficiently coordinating team activities with Proplanum

Thanks to automation, work planning for a gastronomic establishment is much faster, easier, and less prone to errors.

Advanced system features allow you to plan optimal work schedules in less time, react quickly to changes in availability, and efficiently manage your team even when you're off-site.


With Proplanum, you will quickly create an optimal work schedule considering variable demand and irregular working hours of your employees. You can also update schedules instantly and automatically notify the team of changes.


You always have an up-to-date overview of who can work, who is on leave, or who has suddenly reported unavailability. You always know to whom you can assign specific duties and for what tasks they can take responsibility.


Coordination of work is easier because you can quickly communicate with all chefs, waiters, and drivers through the app that everyone has with them.

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What capabilities does online work schedule offer in gastronomy?

Automatyczne planowanie pracy w zespole
Planowanie przerw dla pracowników
Zgodność z kodeksem pracy przy komputerze
System wymian pracowników
Budżetowanie pracy zespołowej
Automatyczne planowanie pracy w zespole

Automatic work planning

The system helps you automatically consider parameters such as employee availability and adjust the schedule to periods of high and low demand. If needed, you can quickly arrange replacements from a list of willing workers.


Break planning

You can automatically plan legally required breaks in work so that you always have a sufficient number of employees to serve customers in the gastronomic establishment during each shift.


Compliance with the Labor Code

Thanks to automatic control of schedule compliance with the Labor Code, you can ensure that you plan variable work schedules according to the applicable regulations in Poland. This minimizes the risk of violations and potential fines from the labor inspectorate.


Shift exchange system between employees

Employees can independently propose replacements for their shifts, which can be approved automatically or after manager verification. This significantly shortens the time needed to coordinate sudden employee unavailability.



You always have insight into current labor costs and up-to-date sales data. Clear summaries allow you to easily analyze and forecast labor costs and optimize employment in the gastronomic establishment considering sales.

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How does managing leave and absences help you?

Zgłaszanie dostępności pracowników

Each employee can conveniently report their availability and submit leave requests through the app. Leave management is faster because you can control and approve them directly from the mobile app.

Zgłaszanie nagłych nieobecności

Employees can quickly inform about their sudden absence through the app they always have on hand. Restaurant managers are informed in real-time and can immediately find a replacement from a list of willing workers.

Podgląd dostępności pracowników

You have constant insight into the current availability of all employees, making the work planning process smoother and minimizing the risk of scheduling errors.

How does the company communicator improve work management in gastronomy?


The company communicator allows quick contact with every team member. Managers can immediately contact kitchen staff, waiters, and drivers, which is invaluable in situations requiring quick reactions. Additionally, the automatic notification feature increases employee responsiveness.


The company communicator allows creating thematic channels and group chats, making it easier and faster to coordinate activities among teams working in different locations. Managers and employees can quickly share information and improve collaboration efficiency.


Gdy ktoś spóźni się o kilkanaście minut lub wyjdzie wcześniej, system rejestruje to automatycznie i proponuje korekty w grafiku. To pozwala błyskawicznie reagować, by nie zabrakło rąk do pracy w kluczowych momentach.

Try ProPlanum for free and optimize work management in your restaurant, cafe, or bar

Start a free trial of Proplanum in your gastronomic establishment. This way, you can see the system from the inside and see how time-consuming tasks related to shift planning can be turned into a simple and quick process.

W kilkunastominutowej prezentacji pokażemy Ci pełnię możliwości systemu oraz odpowiemy na wszystkie pytania. Zrób pierwszy krok do sprawniejszego zarządzania lokalem.

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Omówienie zadań w zespole
Komunikacja zespołowa między pracownikami
Spotkanie zespołu dotyczące pracy
Praca w ogrodzie w zespole
Zadania wykonywane zespołowo
Praca online przy laptopie.
Zespół pracujący przy stole
Zespół analizujący dane.
Rozmowa o pracy

What do you gain with Proplanum?

At Proplanum, we believe that every company can increase employee efficiency, but this requires a change in approach and the right tools.

This belief led us to design the intelligent features of Proplanum, which are based on values important to any business striving for long-term growth.


All necessary functions for planning work schedules and managing teams are included in one easy-to-use system.


You are not limited by time or place. With the mobile and web app, you can plan work schedules and inform the team about changes on any device, at any time, from anywhere in the world.


Each time you make a change to the work schedule, your team is immediately informed.


Implementing simple and transparent processes in the company and smooth communication contributes to increased employee satisfaction and retention.


The friendly company communicator allows you to centralize communication with employees in one place, quickly send information, and immediately contact any team member.


The app is designed according to the latest usability standards, making work planning with Proplanum convenient and intuitive.

System appreciated by managers
and directors

Managing vacations and absences has always been a challenge for us. Proplanum helped us organize these issues, and now everything is clearer. We definitely recommend it.

Logistics Manager

In our restaurant, we had a big problem with scheduling shifts, especially in the summer season when we have many seasonal workers. Proplanum has really simplified this process. Now we can easily manage shifts, and the system automatically records working hours, which makes calculating wages much easier.

Restaurant Manager

Proplanum has greatly improved our work schedule management. It is now easier to coordinate the work of teams at different times of the day and night. Before implementing this system, creating schedules was extremely time-consuming and often led to errors that affected our customer service. Proplanum has helped us avoid these problems and has also increased employee satisfaction by better matching schedules.

Operations Manager

We had a significant problem managing 24-hour work schedules, especially with a multi-shift system. In addition, precise tracking of working hours and calculating wages were challenging. Proplanum has really helped us. Thanks to it, we can easily and quickly create schedules for different shifts, and the system automatically records working hours and helps in accurately calculating wages. Now we have more time for other matters and significantly fewer planning issues.

Operations Director

Proplanum solved our problems with accurately tracking working hours and calculating wages. Everything is now monitored and settled on time. We recommend this solution to any hotel.

Administration Manager

Managing work schedules in our store network, especially with many shifts and work on Saturdays, was a big challenge for managers and supervisors. We have many employees working simultaneously, which further complicated the matter. Proplanum has greatly simplified this process, enabling easy creation and control of schedules. The system allows us to better coordinate shifts and weekend work, significantly improving efficiency and employee satisfaction.

Store Network Director

We work in different locations, and managing schedules was difficult. As a dental clinic, taking care of our patients' smiles is our priority, so efficient work organization is extremely important. Proplanum allows us to easily coordinate work schedules and quickly respond to changes. This gives us a better overview of our working hours and helps us plan our duties more efficiently. This tool has greatly facilitated our work.

Clinic Manager

In our restaurants, the biggest problem was managing employee schedules, especially during weekends and holidays. Additionally, we had difficulties with effective communication between managers and employees. Proplanum is a real lifesaver. Now scheduling is quick and error-free. The system automatically adjusts shifts and tracks working hours, significantly reducing unnecessary overtime. This tool allows us to better manage staff and control costs, which is crucial in the hospitality industry.

Restaurant Owner

Managing 24-hour work schedules for surgeons and nurses was a huge challenge for us. Thanks to Proplanum, we can now easily create schedules for different shifts, significantly improving our efficiency. The system allows precise tracking of working hours, which helps in calculating wages. This way, I can focus on managing the department and patient care.

Dr. Janine
Head of Surgery Department

Our biggest challenge was scheduling shifts for students. Proplanum has greatly simplified this. With the system, we can quickly create and change schedules, and working hours are recorded automatically. This tool allows us to better match shifts to employees' needs, which translates into greater satisfaction and better performance.


Managing multiple gas stations operating 24/7 required an effective tool for coordinating shifts and weekend work. Proplanum allows us to centrally manage schedules for all locations, which has significantly improved operational efficiency.

Regional Director

FAQ — Check the answers to the most frequently asked questions

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How does Proplanum help in managing shift work?

Proplanum automates the creation of shift schedules, allowing for quick adjustments to changing needs. The system enables efficient planning and management of shifts, eliminating conflicts in work schedules. It also allows for real-time modifications to schedules in response to unforeseen changes in employee availability or other unexpected situations.


Does the system help comply with Labor Code regulations?

Yes, Proplanum automatically verifies that the created shift schedules comply with Labor Code regulations, helping to avoid potential legal and financial consequences.


How much does Proplanum cost?

If you run a small or medium-sized business, you can choose from 3 pricing plans. You can find information about the available pricing plans on the website: If you run a large company, contact us through the contact form, and you will receive a personalized offer for large businesses.


How can I check if implementing Proplanum is cost-effective for my restaurant?

You can calculate the potential savings that Proplanum can bring to your restaurant by using the savings calculator available on the website:


Czy aplikacja wspiera też urlopy, wymiany zmian i inne sytuacje awaryjne?

Tak. Pracownicy mogą zgłaszać wolne czy wymienić się zmianami w kilku kliknięciach, a system automatycznie aktualizuje harmonogram i powiadamia menedżera. Eliminujesz tym samym niezliczone telefony i e-maile w sprawach nagłych.


Jak wygląda integracja z moim obecnym systemem POS lub księgowością?

Proplanum umożliwia współpracę z popularnymi narzędziami do sprzedaży i rozliczeń. Dzięki temu grafiki i rozliczenia personelu mogą bazować na rzeczywistych danych sprzedażowych, a cały proces od planowania do wypłat staje się szybszy i dokładniejszy.


Proplanum allows you to quickly create work schedules, delegate tasks, and fully control labor costs. Start a 21-day free trial of Proplanum and automate daily tasks related to planning and managing work in your company – it costs nothing!